Wednesday, 18 February 2009


today, my friend came out with a way to keep awake in lecture (i said so) cos she said she counted the number of times the lecture said, 'er' or something like that when he stammered. LOL.

Anyway, d lecturer gave us a v 'good' news at d end of d lecture. he said d mid-term test will be immediately after d term break & it weight 40%. to me, it's not a test cos it's 2 hour paper in the exam format. so in another words, it's a mock-exam. shit... tt week still got 2 other tests. hopefully our project presentation will be the week after.

s his lesson ended earlier, we went for our late lunch & waited for our next mass tutorial in which d prof apparently forget. & we left after waiting for like 20-25min.

i found tt this semester, most prof aren't worried at all at d pace they r gg. they cant finish what they wanna lecture, they also like that. somemore, still late and today this prof even forget to come. this is definitely not a good sign.

enough for nw. gg do my online discussion postings, reflections, lab report & possibly another 1+ tutorial for tml.

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