Monday, 17 August 2009

wk of long break...

it's d 2nd wk of sch... 2nd day w long break... this is a wk w many long breaks... stayed in sch durin d long break. went lib, went d free dental health check & went to find d sch dental ctr & book appt w my friends for next fri... & went back to d lib b4 gg for lunch.

aft lunch, had no place to go alrdy & we jus sat in d sch lobby to chat & my friends kinda decided to go bowlin tml... lol... it should ve been at least a decade since i last play bowling & i rmbr d ball keep gg to d 'drain' last time. well, shall go ve real fun b4 tutorials, etc started floodin in... but oso must not forget to not to over spend too.. lol... dun wanna overspent what i earn durin d holi... lol... oso cos i dunno if i really wanna work durin d dec holi... cos it's relatively short... shall see hw then...

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