Saturday, 30 August 2008

I pass my piano grade 5 exam?

I just came back from my last grade 5 piano lesson just now as from next month on I am 'promoted' to grade 6 with an increase in time for another additional 15 minutes and increase in school fee too.

During the lesson, my teacher asked what I feel about my piano grade 5 exam in July 2008. I told him that I would fail. I'm not prepared and don't know what to expect especially for the aural component. He told me the results was out but not the certificates and if he did not see wrongly, I passed my exam. Just passed. The passing marks is 100 out of 150 and I just got around 105 to 109 if he did not remember wrong.

I was quite happy actually as I could quit if I passed so that I can spend less with lesser stress. But, I better not be so happy now unless I see the actual certificate which he said would most likely be out next week.

He told me that I could try to practice like 5 to 10 minutes a day even if it if on a short portion of the song and he used the analogy of moving a box of apples. He said that if always say not free (excuses), then the apples will stay where it would be. If try to move even if 1 apple a day, all th apples will eventually be moved even though the process will take much longer. I guess I shall try out. If still can't and if I really get the certificate, then I shall quit. I shall try till maybe end of this year. I shall decide again in November as I need to give a month notice to the school.

I also asked him about what are the grading system for music like. It started from a beginner then to grade 1 to 8 but for grade 5 or 6 on, needed at least a Grade 5 Music Theory Certificate. And to get a full Grade 8, must have Grade 8 Music Theory certificate too. After that would be either go for a degree overseas or a diploma which can be done locally. Weird right? Can go straight to degree without a diploma.

Degree would learn music in general, like the music in different culture, psychology, etc and even have to pick up a second instrument. Diploma is different from degree. Diploma will only focus on the instrument that you took up. Thus, Diploma is in a way better than degree but would be best to get the degree too. How far (from beginner until diploma) you get depends on how fast you can go unlike the usual education system.

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