Thursday, 30 April 2009

granted an interview cos i did a survey???

jus received a call. a call fr a company called 'michelle ng and associate'. sayin i did a survey about management or something like tt in sch b4 and i'm shortlisted for an interview s a 6 mths interns in d company.

if i'm not wrong, i think i noe roughly when i did & whr i did d survey. it's behind d 7-11 while i wait for my friends. cant really rmbr d actual content of d survey.

i told d person i do not have d luxury of 6 mths to do interns but she said can dun do it straight 6 mths. told d person i only got sci background & she said it's ok. tt's y they grant me an interview. it'll allow me to find out more. i was thinkin, is thr any loophole or anything? cos it's so weird. anyway, d interview date is on 11 may 3pm so i think i still got time to find out more about the company & agreed to attend. but i realized i cant find any info at all. i really do not noe wat they do... the person jus i can find out more in d interview.

she den sms me d address of d company and said it'll b a formal interview and asked me bring along my resume. d company, michelle ng and associate' is located at 80 anson rd #05-05 fuji xerox tower and she told me to take mrt & alight at tanjong pagar stn.

i'm thinkin of going to 'see see' since she said i can find out more but i oso worried tt it'll b a scam & there is some loophole which i dunno cos i got no biz background. gosh... hw i wish i can find out more bout tt company... anybody got any idea???

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