today had been a wet day. was rainin like non-stop durin d daytime esp while i was in sch lib...
didn't managed to grab a sandwich to sneak into d lib s my lunch & so i survived on a pkt of biscuit. i noe i shldn't b but jus say i simply plain lazy to go out and grab sandwich again. anw, was stuck at d final bit of my lab report den due to an annonymous protein but i found something tt might b relevant & used it in my report eventually so i shld say i'm done w my report? unless thr is error tt needs to b edited. i actually gave myself till end of d wk to complete d report but i'm glad i got it over & done w... thus, i'm ahead of my study plan for d upcomin exams... hope i will cont'd to proceed on at such steady pace...
well, next wk, b4 i go sch, i guess i'll either grab some buns fr d coffeeshop or i would ve to survive on biscuit again. & tt'll most likely b d case for d next few wks.
anw, today, due to d wet weather & prob enhance by d lack of proper lunch, it was cold in d lib & i'd to admit it was tiring to wake up early & try to chiong all d way, sittin in a small 'cubicle'. cant really stretch myself. hope next few wks wont b tt cold ba... mayb shall bring d pkt chrysanthamum tea or green tea to mix w hot water to drink den wont feel tt cold ba... dun take milk so no coffee, milo, or horlick for me.
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