I did another attempt to use to PC again using the original Monitor. Yet the same problem occurred again.
While I was trying to change and fix another monitor, my dad called. I thought he was looking for my mum so I told him straight that she is not home and so asked him to call her mobile.
It was quite irriating when I had to move here and there due to phone calls, etc. Sianz...
Well, when I switched on the PC with another monitor, the same problem occurred again. So I bet this conclude that the Monitor is also working fine.
When my dad was on the phone, he asked me about the PC. He heard from my mum that the PC is still sometimes ok and sometime not. I told him I was still trying to check.
Well, I told him that if that PC don't work, we still got another PC in my bedroom. We can try to check if the PC can access his work related websites. If ok, then when he need, he'll use mine and I'll use his.
Guess what my dad said. He still said that since 'we' want to get the IT guy to come and change the Windows, we can ask him to check on the PCs. OMG! He still have the idea of changing the Operating System?
What is the point of repairing and changing the Operating System? What if like what the IT guy said that after fixing this, another problem occur soon after that?
Anyway, I had fixed the wireless adapter to my PC in the bedroom. I am using this PC to blog right now. There is something wrong with this PC also. I can't go to hotmail when I opened the Internet Explorer. I must go to other websites first before I can go to hotmail. If not it will prompt an error and the Internet Explorer Window will close and restart. Hmm... Weird.
My dad was back so I asked him to try to access the websites that he needs to. Like his own PC, he can reach the webpage after several secure login. Yet when he wants to click on those links to retrive what he needs to, he could not do so. I could not access those links.
So conclusion, even this PC in my bedroom is also not ok for my dad so currently there are no PC for him to use if he needs to.
What to do? Get the guy to repair the PCs and change the operating system? or Get a new PC?
I suddenly have this thinking. Since the guy said it's not worth it to get the PCs repaired, then how about getting another simple and cheap PC (if the websites my dad needs to use will be 100% accessible). Cause I can still use my dad current PC and even my PC to do my work, check emails and serve the net. I will use these 2 PCs till they are down without even changing the operating system in case they are going to be a goner soon (don't know when but I do hope they will last). Then maybe then, then I get a laptop of something for me to use.
But I am getting uncertain especially why my dad could not access his work-related websites. *sigh*
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